Save energy with ultrafiltration
The global crisis on the energy markets is forcing not only Germany to save gas. In this context, the Federal Network Agency proposes a „lowering of the legal minimum heating temperature“. Until now, this has forced landlords to heat flats to at least 20 to 22 degrees in winter.
A lot of energy could also be saved in the heating of drinking water if current regulations were adapted. Currently, according to the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (#DVGW), 60°C must be guaranteed at the water outlet to ensure drinking water hygiene. As a result, new buildings consume approx. 50% of their thermal energy for heating up drinking water. Since modern water heaters of heat pumps are hardly able to provide these temperatures permanently – especially not at efficient efficiency – additional boilers must help.
With regard to the enormous energy-saving potential, it would make more sense to heat water only to a maximum of 45°C, instead of cooling it down again afterwards.
How can the energy expenditure be minimised and at the same time ensure the best drinking water hygiene in the building? MANN+HUMMEL company Seccua is working as an industrial partner in the research project „ULTRA-F – Ultrafiltration as an Element of Energy Efficiency in Drinking Water Hygiene“ of the TU Dresden with other scientific institutions and industrial partners.
The project focuses on the role of #ultrafiltration in ensuring drinking water hygiene despite the reduction of drinking water temperatures for reasons of energy efficiency. The first results are expected at the end of 2023.
#mannhummel #seccua #waterfiltration #energyefficiency #energysaving